Saturday 28 September 2019

केंद्रीय विद्यालय बदाँयू में 14 सितंबर से 30 सितंबर तक हिंदी पखवाड़ा मनाया जा रहा है, जिसके अंतर्गत विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन हो रहा है, इसी कड़ी में हिंदी प्रशनोत्री प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया।

K V BUDAUN Library Rules

1.     All students and staff of the school are members of the library.
2.     A student can borrow only two books at a time for a period of two weeks.
3.     A staff member can borrow maximum five books at a time for a period of one month.
4.     Books will be issued to the students, during the library periods. No book will be issued or returned during the teaching hours.
5.     Marking, underlining or writing on library books, periodicals, and newspapers is strictly forbidden.
6.     Reference books and current periodicals will not be issued to any member. These can be consulted only in the library.
7.     If the books are not returned within the specified time it will be viewed seriously and fine will be charged as per rules.
8.     The Librarian may call for a book at any time, even if the normal period of loan has not expired.
9.     In case of book is misused, wrongly handled or lost the person concerned will have to replace the book or pay the current market price of the book.
10.   After reading, make sure that the books, periodicals and newspapers are kept back at their respective places.
11.   The members should take good care of library furnishings and equipment. Make sure the library looks as good when you leave as it did when you came in.
12.   Drink and food are not allowed in the Library.
13.   Library computers are for academic purpose only. Do not tamper with the computer settings. Follow the internet safety guidelines.
14.   A ‘No Dues Certificate’ by each student is to be obtained from the Librarian while his/her transfer /withdrawal from the school.
15.   Strict order and silence shall be maintained in the library and speak softly if needed

Thursday 26 September 2019


Santosh Mall - Commissioner, Kendriya Vidhyalaya Sangathan speak to Pranab Prakhar - Editor in Chief

BOOK REVIEW: The Story of My Life

The book is an autobiography of Helen Keller, who is one of the most respected and internationally recognised visually impaired and deaf ladies, who struggled against all odds to educate herself.

Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. She was rendered deaf and blind at 19 months of age, when she contracted an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain (perhaps Scarlet Fever or Meningitis). From then on, she struggled to communicate with others. As a child, she would often be frustrated and would go in a rage, as she failed to communicate with her family.

Eventually, after a lot of struggle, her parents find a teacher for her, Anne Sullivan, who goes on to change Keller’s entire life and teaches her how to communicate with her family and the outside world, without depending on anyone.

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The Story of My Life is a heart rending story of the challenges Keller and her teacher Sullivan face to communicate with each other until Sullivan tries the method of finger-spelling the words on Keller’s hand. With this method, Keller gets a breakthrough into the world of communication. For the first time, Keller recognises the word ‘Water’ through this method, and as she goes on to describe it in her book, “that living word, awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free.” With the help of her teacher, Keller learns to read and write and speak in different languages, including learning braille.

Keller wrote this book as a student at the age of 22. The book is in the form of letters compiled from her early childhood to adulthood years, which she wrote to her family and friends, informing them about her struggles to educate herself as well as other events happening in her school and college. She engages the reader with her thoughts, emotions and opinions. Her determination, diligence and strength are displayed through her writing.

An enriching book which gives the reader an even deeper insight into the world of the blind and deaf people. A must read for everyone, across all ages.